This is not a party! This is a business setting and will be treated as such. You must supply all the required information or you will not be considered. You must show your face and be willing to be on camera and on video sites (ie Onlyfans, Pornhub etc). You MUST be willing to travel to the Houston/Galveston area, I will not travel to you
This is not a party! This is a business setting and will be treated as such. You must supply all the required information or you will not be considered. You must show your face and be willing to be on camera and on video sites (ie Onlyfans, Pornhub etc). You MUST be willing to travel to the Houston/Galveston area, I will not travel to you unless I say otherwise. Expect to shoot for at least an hour so if selected please arrive on time to the set appointment and be ready to shoot. NO ANAL.
Send a clothed full body picture & a nude full body picture to thehollyhotwifecollab@gmail.com (Height/Weight proportionate preferred, all shapes and sizes considered)
If you are approved by Holly, individuals will be contacted with notice to proceed with testing by her assistant.
Upon approval, individuals must create an account at www.talenttestingservice.com and purchase testing credits for ALL necessary test as detailed below. For locations visit https://www.talenttestingservice.com/locations.asp
Once you receive your testing results, send your results to thehollyhotwifecollab@gmail.com ALL TESTS WILL BE VERIFIED.
You will be contacted soon by her assistant to schedule the shoot at a location in the Houston/Galveston area (all hotel costs will be covered). Must have transportation to and from location. All of this will be within the 14 day period of test results. Typically Tuesday night and Wednesday afternoons are the most available for shoots.
Complete all Testing requirements and wait to receive results. Please DO NOT have any unprotected sex after you have tested. This will VOID the test. Once you receive the results please email the digital copy to thehollyhotwifecollab@gmail.com
The Gold Panel Testing is the standard testing basics for the industry. Gold Panel Testing will include; HIV-1 NAT, HIV Ag/Ab, HBsAg, Anti-HCV, Chlamydia (Urine), Gonorrhea (Urine), Trichomonas Vaginalis, Syphilis (RPR) and Treponema Pallidum Antibody.
Gonorrhea and chlamydia often occur simultaneously because the risk factors are very similar. Chlamydia can be spread to the throat during oral sex, despite most frequently infecting the cervix, urethra or rectum.
Mycoplasma genitalium is a STD that lives on the mucous epithelial cells of the urinary and genital tracts in humans. MGen is more common in people who do not use condoms during sex.
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